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The Sensitives (Band) » News

Stil: Punkrock
Herkunft: Schweden
Restless and bored the trio decided to write a bunch of songs, get a van and spend their time on the roads in Europe. Hundreds of shows in over two handfuls of countries later the sweds are now one of the tightest and most intense live bands on the scene.

The punkrock trio are restless flirting with folk, SKA and rock'n'roll combined with the intense mix between the two vocalists Martin and Paulina the energy is on a constant high!
2013 the album Boredom Fighters was released on Sunny Bastards Records and earned the band a lot of respect for the great songwriting and intense switching between the two vocalists. Their third album, "Love Songs For Haters" will be released in fall 2017, with hymns against sexism, against racism and tributes to this life and all the great things going on in that we sometimes tend to forget about!
Infos zuletzt geändert: 08.06.2022 20:40

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