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Travels & Trunks (Band) » vergangene Termine

Stil: Punk, Rock, Indie
Herkunft: Dortmund
Hey there!
My name is Julius. I am from Dortmund, Germany.
I play in a band called TRAVELS & TRUNKS and sometimes I do solo shows under that name, too.
The band's sound is some kind of orchestral/indie/punk influenced by the 60's and 70's and based on heavy drums. But as a solo artist I try to make the songs sound more mellow and settled.
As I try to play both solo and band shows as often as i can, I was lucky enough to share stages with bands like NEW MODEL ARMY, LISTENER, WE WERE PROMISED JETPACKS, DEAD TO ME, ANTILLECTUAL or THE CRYSTAL CARAVAN.
Infos zuletzt geändert: 15.08.2014 16:48

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