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War With The Newts in Hamburg am Mittwoch, den 26.12.18

Mi, 26.12.18
Der Clochard
Reeperbahn 29
20539 Hamburg

Karte (lädt Daten von Openstreetmap)
War with the Newts
The Suicided
Jet Evil
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War with the Newts ( Berlin's hardcore punk scene's new darlings War with the Newts have been hurling and whirling across stages since 2016, leaving behind a trail of happiness and destruction. For the last two years Kostia, Juan Alberto and Alex have toured, recorded, screamed and raged all across Germany and have now forced this chaotic energy into their debut album "Muerte мій Amour", released in November 2018.

The Suicided ( The Suicided from Hamburg, Germany – that´s fresh cruelty, between different genres as Sludge-Metal-Punk-Rock-Core, with much crabbing. We´re all Suicided, as it was, as it is and as it will last. Governing towards the world apocalypse they serve you with infernal sounds, for answering the final questions.

Jet Evil ( Jet Evil, steht für groovigen, druckvollen Gitarrensound mit rotzigem, melodischem Frontgesang. Wenig Schnick Schnack, kein unnötiges Gefrickel und nur gerade heraus direkt in die Ohrmuscheln der Zuhörer. 2015 im beschaulichen Braunschweig gegründet, bringt jedes Bandmitglied seine über die Jahre aus Bands verschiedensten Genres gesammelten Erfahrungen mit in das Projekt „Jet Evil“ ein.

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