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Bonsai Kitten in Essen am Samstag, den 16.03.19

Sa, 16.03.19
Don't Panic
Viehofer Platz 2
45127 Essen

Karte (lädt Daten von Openstreetmap)
Bonsai Kitten (Riot Rock aus Berlin)
Achtung, der Termin wurde vom 23.3. auf den 16.3. vorverlegt!!

Berlin's Bonsai Kitten has staying power alright, but it would also appear that they've just getting warmed up! On their new single, "MINDCRAFT" the drums and guitars rip out of the speakers with vicious teeth, the 3-string bass guitar pounds like Vulcan's hammer, and singer Tiger Lilly Marleen sounds as if she's on the verge of combusting. This single sets the band firmly amongst the elite set of Germany's current crop of rock and punk bands. The new single has an urgency and force that finally comes close to capturing the band's sweat-drenched and ecstatic live shows, which have earned them the reputation as one of the most exciting bands to come out of Germany. But beneath the initial force of the delivery, the underlying playfulness of the band is what makes them properly contagious. Whosoever thought guitar-rock was dead can draw a fresh breath. Bonsai Kitten is back. With a blowtorch.

Einlass ab ca 19:00 Uhr / Beginn ca 20:30 Uhr!

VVK: 10 Euro zzgl VVK Gebühren
Abendkasse: 12 Euro
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