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Room 11 Records Labelfest in Dortmund am Freitag, den 19.07.24

Fr, 19.07.24
Ritterstr. 20
44137 Dortmund
Karte (lädt Daten von Openstreetmap)
18:30 Dignified Burial
19:15 Spiral
20:00 Amber
21:00 Wonderful World
21:45 No Shelter
22:30 Ciern
What’s going ooooooon people?!
After what has been a while again, we are finally back with a lot of new cool things coming up! 😌

But first things first:
„room11records label fest“ is entering its second round! (technically the fourth, only the OGs will remember tho hahaha)
Once again this year, six acts will perform at the FZW, with the festival once again bridging the gap between gothic/wave and hardcore, emo/shoegaze …. You name it.

Line up:

We are of course also very happy, that we will release some new music sooner than later.
More information coming up as soon as possible 🫡🥳

Lastly, this festival will once again feature a lot of bands and musicians we are friends with personally. Me as an individual, as well as our whole team, want to thank every band already for sharing this evening with us and hopefully, we all will have a blast 💥
More information on every band will be released within the next few weeks, as well as pre orders going online within the next week.

Stay tuned!
Best regards,


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