Cut from a similar cloth to the legendary Billy Bragg or the new huge, Frank Turner, Louise Distras is the 'new face of acoustic punk in the UK'.
She's a woman with a clenched fist full of protest songs that target injustice, chauvenism and bigotry and is now making her own mark as an activist in our urban sprawl.
Described as 'the 21st Century Joe Strummer who personifies punk rock spirit, free-thinking and the renegade soul', Louise Distras is the sworn enemy of injustice, apathy and X Factor culture – Simon Cowell’s plague of commercially-engineered pop stars sucking the life out of auto tuners. Girl groups like The Saturdays “embarrass the music scene,” she says.
Nirvana inspired Louise to pick up a guitar at the tender age of thirteen. Twelve years on, she uses it as a weapon to push a politicised brand of hard-hitting contemporary folk.
Her first single 'The Hand You Hold', released earlier this year on International Womens Day, set out to "empower young women." It was angry, and pointed, asking the media: 'Who are you to say/we should look this way?'
"I'm sick of the way women and young girls are reduced to stereotypes and exploited," says Louise, 25, who is proud to be putting purpose back into pop.
Obvious comparisons with Brody Dalle and Courtney Love aside her passion and outlook have garnered her much praise from The Guardian, NME, The Independent, Amazing Radio, and BBC Radio 1 who said "Louise Distras is destroying it in the UK right now, flying the flag for all female artists. She is what all punk should be about!", aswell as musical contemporaries Ryan Jarman (The Cribs), TV Smith (The Adverts) and award winning journalist John Robb. Shows with New Model Army, UK Subs, TV Smith, have only cemented the praise further.
Currently working on her debut album with Steve Whale (ex of The Business), Mick Talbot (Style Council, Dexys), Jamie Oliver (UK SUBS drummer) and engineer Pat Collier at Perry Vale Studios, London, you can bet your last fiver you'll be seeing a lot more of this talented songsmith in the not too distant future.
Most likely hitchhiking, guitar slung over her shoulder on the way to a town near you.
Wer möchte schon eine deutsche „Wanna-Be“-Britpop-Band, wenn man doch ein einziges Original von der Insel haben kann?!
Der 19jährige Halb-Brite Thomas Allan macht seinen britischen Wurzeln alle Ehre. BBC-Radio kührte ihn bereits zum heissesten Newcomer-Act.
Seine authentischen und dreckigen Sounds á la Pete Doherty, Billy Bragg und Oasis überzeugten nicht nur das Publikum beim Horst-Festival sondern sorgten auch für ein ausverkauftes Konzert im Blue Shell in Köln.
Seine EP „Break The News“ sowie sein Album „Commercial B-Sides“ hat er selbst in seinem Keller aufgenommen, abgemischt und produziert, da drei professionelle Studios seiner Meinung nach, seine Songs zu glattgebügelt und den Sound für ihn nicht zufriedenstellend auf Platte bringen konnten.
Wir freuen uns auf einen Newcomer der sein Talent und seine Hingabe zur Musik präsentieren wird.
Thomas' Songs laufen im argentinischen Fernsehen übrigens rauf und runter. Ein dort ansässiger Handyhersteller hat sein Hitpotential erkannt und seine gesamte Werbekampagne ohne dessen Wissen mit Thomas Allan Songs unterlegt!