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In Evil Hour in München am Dienstag, den 25.10.16

In Evil Hour
Di, 25.10.16
Garage Deluxe
Friedenstr. 10
81671 München

Karte (lädt Daten von Openstreetmap)
In Evil Hour + Criminal Mind (beide UK) live in München
Der Supergau ist eingetreten, jetzt haben alle drei ursprünglich geplanten Bands ihre Tour abgesagt - nach den Members und Dirt Royal jetzt also auch die Yorkshire Rats... dann gehen wir halt mit günstigerem Eintritt mit nur zwei (dafür sehr geilen) Bands aus UK an den Start:

IN EVIL HOUR aus Darlington/UK mit herrlich melodischem female fronted HC-Punk vervollständigen das Line-Up. Fans der Distillers, Avengers, Pussycat Kill, Maid of Ace und Konsorten dürfen sich auf eine wunderbare Band freuen, mich haben sie schon auf dem Rebellion weggeflasht...

Based in the North East of England, In Evil Hour are a breakneck assault of melodic punk rock and searing 90’s bay-area hardcore. Lyrically, their songs are centred around a continued frustration at the willful destruction of our shared planet, as well as a general disgust levelled at our plutocratic, militaristic society where social constructs such as class, nationality and gender still dictate the opportunities human beings have access to in life.

Heavily influenced by bands such as AFI, Bad Religion and Rise Against, In Evil Hour spent their early years relentlessly touring the UK, snatching up shows with artists such as Leftover Crack, The Misfits and H2O. Already regulars on the festival circuit, 2015 saw a main-stage slot at Rebellion Festival, their first shows in mainland Europe and tours with US punk rock legends the $wingin' Utter$ and Millions of Dead Cops. The band are back in the studio in early 2016 to record new material.

EP "Built on our Backs" (2015 Snayle Records) and ALBUM "The World Bleeds Out" (2013 STP Records) OUT NOW and available to download from
CDs available at

Reviews for The World Bleeds Out:

"A record of staggering quality... As strong a UK punk rock record (indeed fuck the nationality, make that worldwide) you’ll hear for a long time."

"An immensely powerful album...rooted in punk/hardcore but has rich veins and textures coursing through every track."


Criminal Mind formed in September 2008 in the middle-of-nowhere-Bristol (UK). Inspired by The Ruts & Black Flag, they seek to vent social/political frustrations through their original hardcore-street-punk sound.

In 2010 at 18 years old the band wrote and produced the ‘Debut Album’ in Josh and Jake's dining room. The band used broken amps, broken guitars and half a drum kit. The album was delayed due to being falsely arrested during their first tour for facilitation, pushing the album release date as far back as 2012. Since then the band have been arrested less and worked tirelessly to write and produce 2015’s ‘Life to Defend’.

Criminal Mind have shared the stage with acts such as The Ruts, The Exploited, GBH, Discharge, The Buzzcocks, UK Subs, Sham 69, H20, Cockney Rejects, The Restarts & many more, across the world. Criminal Mind will play play until death, which could be any time now. Let’s fucking go!

Criminal Mind Facts:
- Criminal Mind were arrested for importing illegal immigrants. Four Vietnamese people hid in the van speakers, arranged by their tour driver. The band were later proven innocent and the story can be heard in the lyrics to 'Stiched Up!' on the 'Life to Defend' album.
- Abel was previously deported from the USA for not realising that he needed a work visa to tour in a band there.
- Abel has been arrested in The Netherlands for drunken disorderly behaviour after a show but was later released without charge as the police there seem to take kindly to buying your way out of a cell. They call it fines.
- Abel, Josh and D all have to go through interviews to go to America due to the above.
- Abel & Jake are ex-members of grindcore band Merciless Precision.
- Josh is also in The Richard Heads
- Abel is endorsed by Fret-King guitars.
- Kieran from The Restarts designed the 'Life to Defend' artwork.
- The song 'Fire on 10 All Saints Lane' is about a pub called The Crown catching fire whilst Josh was inside drinking.
- Josh has type 1 diabetes.
- D has many things including Tourette Syndrome, stubby fingers, ask him for more details.
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