DIY Punk Rock Festival situated in the idyllic scenery of the Franconian Forest.
Join the gathering of the international underground punk rock scene and party with over a dozen bands from all over the world!
For this year´s KNRD Fest you need to purchase a ticket upfront! What sounds like a "BUUH!", is actually a "YEEH!", ´cause the reason behind it is very simple: KNRD wants to keep the Fest small and cosy! Of course KNRD will keep entry and camping FREE, like it always has been. To give KNRD some planning, the tickets have some value, though. The solution: in return for your ticket, you not only get a fancy festival wristband, but also a voucher, worth the same amount of money you spent on the ticket (minus a small service fee). With the voucher you will be able to buy food and drinks to the usual fair prices. The limited stock of tickets will be available soon!
A local farmer provides a big meadow with plenty of space for you to pitch up your tent or sleep in your camper.
There will be a selection of delicious food booths. Saturday and Sunday morning the "Nature Friends" will offer a nutritious breakfast to get you back on your feet. Cold Franconian beer and selfmade cocktails will get you in the mood.
Please keep in mind, that KNRD doesn´t earn a penny from ticket sales. KNRD relies more than ever on your hungry bellies and thirsty throats, as with the festival´s growth, costs are increasing exponentially. KNRD Fest can only survive, if you buy drinks and food on the festival grounds. Therefor: please don´t bring your own stuff with you.
KNRD Fest e.V. is a non-profit organization, that currently counts 40 members and has the goal to support the punk rock music scene, as well as to bring people from different parts of the world together. If you want to support KNRD, you can do so by joining the team and/or by coming to KNRD Fest and KNRD Gigs and party hard.