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Guitar Wolf in Berlin am Samstag, den 07.04.18

Sa, 07.04.18
Urban Spree
Revaler Str. 99
10245 Berlin

Karte (lädt Daten von Openstreetmap)
Guitar Wolf • Kris & Lou • Afterparty
TV Eye Labelfest, Milk Me & Fave Rave present:

Live On Stage: GUITAR WOLF
Thee Japanese Rock&Roll Legends!!!

Support: KRIS & LOU
Dark R&R from Berlin feat. Sinister Kris and Lou On The Rocks!!!

Afterparty with DJs (tbc)

Guitar Wolf (Japanese: ギターウルフ) is a Japanese garage rock power trio founded in Nagasaki in 1987. The band is known for songs with piercing vocals and an extremely loud style of noise-influenced punk which emphasizes heavy distortion and feedback. They coined the phrase "jet rock 'n' roll", which they also use to describe their musical style – an energetic cross between the Ramones, Link Wray, rockabilly, 77 punk, and garage rock. The band is part of Sony Music Japan's Ki/oon Records division.

Guitar Wolf has released nine studio albums internationally as well as a live album, numerous singles, and a retrospective compilation called Golden Black. The band members have also been featured in two B-grade science fiction horror movies: Wild Zero and Sore Losers. A collection of Guitar Wolf's most popular videos and live performances have been compiled into a limited edition DVD titled Red Idol. In March 2005, bassist and founding member Billy, also known as Bass Wolf, died of a heart attack at the age of 38. His replacement in the band, bassist U.G., has become a permanent member of Guitar Wolf and now rounds out the trio which currently consist of band members Seiji (Guitar Wolf): U.G. (Bass Wolf); and Toru (Drum Wolf).
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