SKIN OF TEARS Anniversary Show
Mit zwei Jahren Verspätung aus bekannten Gründen holen Skin of Tears ihr 30jähriges Jubiläum nach und haben sich illustre Gäste eingeladen, mit denen Sie sich an diesem außergewöhnlichen Abend die Bühne teilen. Die Aufzählung entspricht nicht der Spielreihenfolge. Skin of Tears wünschen sich das pünktliche Erscheinen der Konzertbesucher um auch der ersten Band ihren Respekt zu erweisen. (Startzeit siehe unten)
THE SEWER RATS (Pop-Punk/Köln)
It´s the first band announcement for our anniversary show on 1st April. Please welcome the mighty The Sewer Rats ! Nice fellows, great tunes and a strong liver! We met them during our - call it - second spring in Cologne, where they were attending our release show of Fake my Day. Since then we shared some stages and parties and it was always loads of fun. They are also regular guest on the stage of our second living room at Ajz Bahndamm Wermelskirchen
Next stroke for our anniversary show! We met this spetacular band just a few weeks ago, but were instantly flashed by their show and characters. Totally sympathetic, good hearts, politically fighting for the good cause and still highly party- and danceable! We are proud to announce Der Butterwegge and already can´t wait to have them on stage of the Ajz Bahndamm Wermelskirchen for the first time!
LOST LYRICS (Punkrock/Wolfhagen)
And here´s the next announcement! Ladies and Gents - The Lost Lyrics! We know this band for ages, shared several stages and backstages and experienced a lot of funny stuff! Furthermore the The Lost Lyrics were one of the first German bands who tried melodic punk with English lyrics and encouraged us to form a band as well. During the times they switched over to German lyrics, but the music´s still as good and catchy as it was all the time. Haven´t played in our region for a very long time they should get some old punk rockers from their lazy couch!
RASTAKNAST (Deutschpunk/Celle)
Last but definetly not least! The final band for our anniversary line up! Please welcome one of our favorite German Punkbands, fast and melodic, great lyrics and hymns to sing along to immediately. Rasta Knast - official profile !!! We are absolutely happy to have them on the bill! Great lads, hard drinkers, convinced smokers, funny storytellers - definetly a band to spend the night with. Aaaahhh....couldn´t wait any longer on the 1st of April!
Einlass: 19.00 h
Beginn: 19.45 h (pünktlich)
Eintritt: 17,00 € VVK / 20,00 € AK