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Bolshy in Essen am Sonntag, den 28.08.16

So, 28.08.16
Berliner Str. 82
45145 Essen
Karte (lädt Daten von Openstreetmap)
Bolshy (UK) - Riotous Ska Punk
They kicked off their journey in summer 2012 busking religiously on the streets of Liverpool, then rushing off to play sweaty basements gigs. Since then they’ve taken the UK underground scene by storm sharing stages with the likes of The Restarts, Prince Fatty, Dirty Revolution, Radical Dance Faction and Culture Shock. They’ve brought the sun out at festivals alongside Neville Staples, Dreadzone and The Beat and performed at a 50,000 strong NHS rally in Whitworth Park, Manchester. Bolshy launched a crowdfunding campaign to release their debut EP which reached it’s £1500 target in 17 days. The “Radical. Anarchic. Bolshy. Scouse.” EP released June 2014 has been featured by Four Culture (USA), Bido Lito, Do the Dog Skazine and many more. Bolshy conquered their first UK Tour late summer 2014 with their eruptive live show and will continue to allure crowds into a world of foot stomping madness on their April 2015 UK Tour.

“One has a feeling this is a band that will change your life if you see them live” - FourCulture

“Quickly becoming one of Liverpool’s best love young bands” -
Louder Than War

“The EP is a fizzing slice of ska, punk, reggae and samba anthems” - BidoLito

“An exciting new talent emerging out of Liverpool” -
Do The Dog Music

“They are the next generation of punk and resemble everything that punk should be!” - Riot Ska Records

Termin eingetragen von Gast (zuletzt geändert: 24.07.2021 11:47)
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