Holiday (UK)
Happy songs about unhappy things.
Custody (FIN)
Custody are a five-piece melodic-pop-punk band hailing from southern Finland. Custody are no newcomers into the punk rock music circles, as there’s almost 100 years of combined experience in playing in bands / touring / releasing & records during the past 20 years. This specific band was put together in 2015 after touring in several other outfits together during the past few years – with a common cause to out some pop-punk tunes that were brewing at the time. Within months after formation Stitches Are All We Have / Miles Apart, a 2 song 7” was released in 2015 to much acclaim. The next year Blistered Soul / Whatever We Decide, another 2 song 7” followed suit to even greater acclaim.
Their debut full length LP record was pencilled in for a July 2017 release but, instead of rushing it in between family life, the band let the songs cook and get where they need to be. The pressure was off as they say, and you can definitely hear that in these ten 90s infused tunes. The band aptly describe themselves as sounding like “Sergie Loobkoff having a knife fight with Matt Pryor and Mike Carter!”
Black Lining (Mainz)
BLACK LINING aus Buenos Mayence aka Mainz spielen Punkrock, der musikalisch irgendwo zwischen 'ner etwas grungigen Lookout-Version von Green Day und/oder Bad Religion mit Popeinschlag rumlungert.