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Isotopes in Düsseldorf am Dienstag, den 19.04.16

Di, 19.04.16
Oberbilker Allee 29
40215 Düsseldorf
Karte (lädt Daten von Openstreetmap)
Isotopes are the world’s greatest baseball punk band.

Since taking the Canadian Punk League by storm in 2006 and delivering a string of clutch singles, the Isotopes have garnered a reputation as wily and relentless underdogs. Pioneers of the baseball punk genre, the club’s gritty, no-bargain brand of 100% juice-injected baseball-themed punkrock has earned them faithful legions of fans and Juiceheads worldwide.

In 2012, after more than 20 line-up changes, the Isotopes finally hit their stride, filling out a full road schedule including a Canadian tour with Off With Their Heads, appearances at Ottawa Explosion and PouzzaFest, and chalking up Ws at home VS legends like the Queers, Hanson Brothers, Zeroes, Methadones, Teenage Bottlerocket, Chixdiggit, Pennywise, Swingin’ Utters, Agent Orange and Richie Ramone. It was the club’s first .500 season and 2013 was on course for a repeat, when the ‘Topes were hit with a season – and possibly career-ending blow that saw Evan October and Dallas Duststorm ejected and banned from the USA for touring without green cards.
Down in the count but never out, the original bad boys of summer took 2014 to dust off and rebuild, releasing a singles compilation, The First Four Seasons on 643 Records and Red Scare Industries, and inking a deal with Canadian heavy-hitter, Stomp Records to release their debut full length in what projects to be a contending 2015 campaign.

VVK: 8 € (zzgl. Geb.)
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