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Jaya the Cat in Marburg am Freitag, den 07.02.20

Fr, 07.02.20
Schulstr. 6
35037 Marburg

Karte (lädt Daten von Openstreetmap)
Jaya the Cat live at KFZ Marburg w/ Bottlekids
Support: BOTTLEKIDS (Wales)

Jaya the Cat will take you out on a night out,and things will for sure get weird.

You will dance, laugh, and sing along at the top of your lungs even if you really can’t sing. You will find yourself tapping your foot and nodding your head although you’re “not really into reggae, I’m a metal guy”. You will be happier than you thought you could be *. You will end up in places you didn’t even know existed. And somehow you’ll make it home safely with your keys, phone and wallet intact. Jaya the Cat will leave glitter confetti on your bedroom floor and take you out for breakfast. Or lunch, because, you know, breakfast will definitely be too early for anyone here.
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