Unfortunately, Orange Swan have to cancel their performance next Tuesday at the AZ for serious private reasons.
We are very sorry - but the concert takes definitely place!
Amsterdams Post-Punk, Indie and Art-Rock heroes Labasheeda will still perform and our friends in the band ORT will stand in for us on that night.
ORT: Sometimes doomy and sluggish, sometimes fast rocking, sometimes atmospheric and rough, sometimes experimental and sometimes catchy but always ultra tight, the music of ORT can't be filed under a certain style label. An intense and consistent band - live and recorded.
A great night anyways. So be sure to come along.
Some Swans will be around. Lets have a chat, a beer and enjoy the music.
We hope to see you there!
Growling, dynamic stuff here from the Netherlands. Labasheeda make intelligent but not emotionless, angular rock music; it's a brooding sound
with touchstones in the post rock (some gorgeous violin playing in parts) and post-hardcore camps. Singer Saskia van der Giessen in forlorn almost-romantic vocals which sound all the more sharp set to a back ground
of foreboding guitar chimes.
Doors: 19 00
Start: 19 45