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kompaktes Programm siehe hier
Do, 27.06.2013: Terror, Nasty, Alpha & Omega,
Marathonmann, Breakdown Of Sanity, I Am Lucy
Fr, 28.06.2013: NoFX, Brutality Will Prevail, Adept, Show Your Teeth,
Sick of it all, Bury Your Dead, All You Can Eat,
Boysetsfire, Silent Screams, His Statue Falls, Any Given Day,
Kmpfsprt, Annisokay, Deez Nuts, Light Your Anchor, Anchors & Hearts
Sa, 29.06.2013: Heaven Shall Burn,
The Bouncing Souls, Shoot The Girl First, All That Remains, Prison Mind, Chelsea Grin, I Scream For Ice Cream, Funeral For A Friend, Pathways,
Every Time I Die, AYS, The Acacia Strain, April Uprising, I Wrestled A Bear Once, Harm/Shelter, A Traitor Like Judas, Vitja, The Doomsayer