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Mammoth Mammoth in Köln am Dienstag, den 11.12.18

Mammoth Mammoth
Di, 11.12.18
Sonic Ballroom
50825 Köln
Karte (lädt Daten von Openstreetmap)
Mammoth Mammoth AUS / Superfuse D

Heavy Rock / Rock
MAMMOTH MAMMOTH are a heavy rock band from Melbourne Australia that smash the shit out of their stoner, glam, doom, punk and psychedelic rock influences.

They've tagged their sound as 'Good-time-murder-fuzz' - and it's consequent effect as, 'the sound that sometimes kills unicorns' and 'more awesome than God's tits!'

The band suffered several setbacks before playing their first live show. Their launch venue, Cherry Bar burnt down, Singer Mikey Tucker was hospitalised after a brawl with a gang of hammer wielding thugs and Bassist and Guitarist Cuz and Gash survived a shoot-out in Melbourne strip club 'Kittens, to name a few.

In the end their first live shows gained immediate media attention.Their physical, no-holds-barred approach and front man, Mikey Tucker's reckless performances gained them an immediate and dedicated following. In that year they we're voted among the top 5 live shows in Melbourne's premier Newspaper, The Age Entertainment Guide.

Their first EP was released prior to any live shows proved popular in Europe and Australia with several tracks licensed to commercials and the feature film, The Loved Ones'.

Their first video clip was immediately banned. It used 1970s European pornography and was pulled from youtube, myspace and facebook - but not before it had over 1 million views and probably as many complaints.

On the release of their third album, they we’re signed by European label Napalm Records who further released it worldwide to excellent reviews in November 2012.

Consequently MAMMOTH MAMMOTH have featured in dozens international Magazines like Rock Hard France and Germany, HEAVY MAGAZINE France and Metal Hammer magazine’s German, French and UK editions – in which they were voted in at number two for ‘album of the month’ in December 2012. The band has also been named among the top Heavy rock albums of 2012 in numerous music blogs.

In 2013 the band toured Europe and played sold out shows through Germany, Belgium, Netherlands and the UK. 2014 saw the band undertake an Australian tour with Kyuss's John Garcia whilst spending time in the Black Spur Forest writing and recording their 4th album, Volume IV Hammered Again.

2015 saw the release of Hammered Again with the band touring extensively across Australia and Europe. MAMMOTH MAMMOTH also played shows with Hellyeah, Sleep and Black Label Society. 2016 will see the release of a limited edition EP MAMMOTH BLOODY MAMMOTH and the band again ripping through Europe.

Vielleicht liegt das Markenzeichen guter „retro“ orientierter Rockmusik (d.h. „retro ohne retro sein zu wollen„) in dem Gefühl, dass man gerade zufällig ein Schätzchen entdeckt hat. Dieses Gefühl lässt sich nicht ganz in Worte fassen, vielleicht am ehesten noch als Mischung aus Vertrautheit und Neuentdeckung. Bei dem Kölner Quintett superfuse passt diese Beschreibung wie die Faust aufs Auge. Vor allem kommt die Musik mit ordentlichen Power-Riff-Rock-Einflüsse aus vergangener Zeit daher – von den fuzz-Gitarre-getriebenen, dunklen rhythmischen Exkursionen mancher Proto-Metal Bands der spät sechziger und siebziger (z.B. Iron Claw, Atomic Rooster und natürlich Black Sabbath) bis hin zu den rohen, edgy-melodiös-schweren Hooks der 90er-Alt-Rock-Szene (z.B. Chevelle, Skunk Anansie, Monster Magnet). Der Sound von superfuse fühlt sich an wie ein Deja-Vu, eine nachhaltige Erinnerung an etwas, was es so eigentlich nie gegeben hat. Dabei macht die Band ganz klar ihr eigenes Ding: Krachend aber catchy. Intensiv. Erdig. Aber zugleich schwebend-hypnotisch. Buckle up folks!

Einlass: 20h; Beginn: 21h, Eintritt: 10€
Zum Einsteller des Events (zuletzt geändert: 24.07.2021 11:47)
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