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Nasty Cut Fest in Kopenhagen (DK) von Freitag, den 17.05.24 bis Sonntag, den 19.05.24

Nasty Cut Fest
Fr, 17.05.24 - So, 19.05.24
Rådhuspladsen 11
1550 Kopenhagen (DK)

Karte (lädt Daten von Openstreetmap)
Friday 17.5:
Big Mess (bestial pop, DK)
Cheerbleederz (indie punk, UK)
Chloe Hawes and the Holy Claws (punk americana, UK)
Dungeon Days (punk rock, DK)
Fabled Mind (skate punk, DK)
I Love Your Lifestyle (emo, SWE)
Lochy i Smoki (punk/emo, PL)
Mundane (emo, SWE)

Saturday 18.5:
Arms & Hearts (folk punk, UK)
Between Bodies (emo punk, DE)
CF98 (pop punk, PL)
Imperial Shark (garage/punk, DK)
Nexo (punk, DK)
Phantom Bay (hardcore, DE)
Tripsun (emo punk, UK)
Viva Belgrado (punk/screamo, ESP)

Sunday 19.5:
fight me irl. (punk/emo, DK)
flinch. (alt/emo, UK)
Making Friends (skate punk, UK)
Miller (pop punk, DK)
Molly (punk, DK)
Pkew Pkew Pkew (punk, CA)
Resolutions (punk, DE)
Shrugs (indie, DK)
Nasty Cut Fest is back! Are you ready for 2024's highlight of the year? 3-days packed with awesome bands, great hangs, distros, activities, and workshops. See you in May!
Venues: Underwerket/Kraftwerket and Valby Kulturhus

3-Day Tickets:
Trusty Pals Tickets: SOLD OUT!
Early Bird Tickets: SOLD OUT!
Regular Tickets: 350 kr. + gebyr
Day Tickets: 200 kr. + gebyr
Get yours before it's too late 😼

Safe space:
We do not accept any form of discrimination, harassment, physical or verbal violence, or exclusion. This includes transphobia, bullying, sexual misconduct, body-shaming, queerphobia, sexism, racism, ableism, intimidation, and more. If you feel uncomfortable, please grab hold of someone from the organizing crew or a volunteer. The feeling of safety and well-being is a top priority during the festival and there’s no issue too small.
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