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Not On Tour in Schwäbisch Gmünd am Donnerstag, den 03.05.18

Do, 03.05.18
73525 Schwäbisch Gmünd

Karte (lädt Daten von Openstreetmap)
Not On Tour + Get Dead // 3. Mai
Not On Tour started off in the summer of 2008, when all the good bands in town went on tour for the season, breaking apart side-projects, leaving practice rooms empty and the four old friends with nothing to do.

The group took on the job with a good team spirit and started a summer project for the bored punkers in town. 15 songs were sketched up in just over a couple of months, with the plan to break up when summer's over and all the 'real' bands had returned.

Nine years and four albums later, Not On Tour have toured around the world, with highlights such as supporting A Wilhelm Scream and Strung Out in Japan and sharing stages all across Europe with bands such as Descendents, Pennywise, Face to Face, Good Riddance, Chixdiggit, Teenage Bottlerocket, Masked Intruder, Useless ID and Off With Their Heads. Their festival resumee is growing rapidly, with shows at major punk rock Festivals such as Groezrock (BE), XTreme Fest (FR), Brakrock (BE) and Punk Rock Holiday (SI).

With a razor-sharp, fast melodic punk rock energy, the band keeps the crowds dancing wherever they go. The in-your-face mentality in their songs hits hard while the tracks are rarely passing the 90 seconds mark. Not On Tour delivers a positive, raw punk rock sound with catchy tunes and melodic female vocals with a clear hardcore punk influence pushing the melodies ahead. Those songs can be heard on three Full Length albums and one EP:

Self Titled (2010), N.O.T (2011), All This Time (2012), Bad Habits (2015, produced by Yotam Ben Horin of Useless ID).

The gang is currently working on their 5threlease, planned to be released in 2018.


GET DEAD - There aren’t a lot of bands like Get Dead around these days. Instead of worrying about gimmicks and trends, this fivesome from San Francisco, California have always focused on the music and that’s evident with every passion-filled note they play. Get Dead started out performing together in 2007 after their respective bands called it quits and eventually attracted the attention of NOFX frontman Fat Mike who produced the band’s first full-length, "Bad News", as well as their new full-length, "Honesty Lives Elsewhere", and released both records on his label Fat Wreck Chords.
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