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Spunk Volcano in Essen am Mittwoch, den 21.03.18

Spunk Volcano
Mi, 21.03.18
Don't Panic
Viehofer Platz 2
45127 Essen

Karte (lädt Daten von Openstreetmap)
Spunk Volcano & the Eruptions (Punkrock aus England)
Spunk Volcano and the Eruptions may contain two members of UK punk rock and rollers Dirt Box Disco, but they are far from being a part-time side project. ‘Not Wired Up Right’ is their third full length album and their fifth release in as many years. Unchained from the restraints of his guitar and taking on lead vocal duties, Spunk Volcano has free reign to indulge himself and his songwriting to whatever style he sees fit. From sweetly sappy love songs, to hardcore thrash and everything in between, there are no rules or boundaries for him or his Eruptions. But much like his work in Dirt Box Disco, for Spunk Volcano, the melody, the sing-a-long and the ear-worm always remains the number one focus.
Facebook: Spunk Volcano & the Eruptions

Einlass ab ca 19:00 Uhr / Beginn ca 20:00 Uhr! Arbeitnehmerfreundliches Ende gegen 22:30 Uhr!

VVK: 10 Euro zzgl VVK Gebühren
Abendkasse: 12 Euro
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