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The Kendolls in Essen am Freitag, den 06.03.15

Fr, 06.03.15
Panic Room
Viehofer Platz 2
45127 Essen
Karte (lädt Daten von Openstreetmap)
+ The Flatulinees
The Kendolls...
...Starting out in Gothenburg 2007, rock ‘n’ roll band The Kendolls quickly evolved into a hardworking, struggling and touring unit. Through playing filthy Spanish bars, urine stained floors in Hungary and festival stages in Germany, the band slowly earned the reputation as an intense and chaotic live act. The band was already doing a lot of independent touring outside of Scandinavia before signing with Alleycat Records in 2010.

The Kendolls’ debut album was released in the spring of 2011 and received excellent reviews in Scandinavia and Europe, followed by a European tour and shows with Gallows, The Bones, Eddie & the hot rods, Michael Monroe etc. In spring 2013 the band played 25 shows across Europe and released their second album “Dirty Dogma”. New drummer Kenneth and bassman Kosse joined the band and recorded a new EP in the end of 2013. New blood and talent resulted in an improved, harder sound, but still sustaining the raw nerve that defines the band. The Kendolls’ brand new EP “Diablo Gringo” will be released digitally and on vinyl spring 2014, followed up by a European tour in May. Get in the van, shut up and play til’ you bleed.

The Flatulinees...
...Ramones beeinflusster Rock'n'Roll seit Sommer 2014 aus Duisburg am Rhein.

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