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The Pharmacy in Heilbronn am Samstag, den 21.12.13

The Pharmacy
Garage, Punk, Powerpop
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Title Tracks Hatcham Social
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Sa, 21.12.13
Bahnhofstraße 37
74072 Heilbronn

Karte (lädt Daten von Openstreetmap)
The Pharmacy
The Vickers
Samstag 21.Dez The Pharmacy (USA) & The Vickers (Italien) Live im Bierkrug Heilbronn

The Pharmacy
The Phar­ma­cy are a psy­ched lofi pop trio „with sto­ned en­thu­si­asm“. They have tra­ded in their dis­tor­ti­on pedal for a wide array of other in­stru­ments in­clu­ding strings, horns, and many dif­fe­rent types of syn­the­si­zers/key­boards. Alt­hough their songs still have a raw edge of 60’s psy­che­de­lia and in­fec­tious indie rock to them, their Beat­le-es­que me­lo­dies are ex­cep­tio­nal­ly well writ­ten and re­al­ly stand out, ma­king The Phar­ma­cy more pop than any­thing else.

The Vickers are a psychedelic/pop/rock band formed in Florence, Italy, influenced by the big tunes and sounds of the 60?s with a touch of 90?s spleen. From March 2009 the band appeared in national magazines and their songs are currently getting airplay on important radios. The band supported many european artists during their young career like John Power (The La’s), Joy Formidable (UK).Their new 7” single “She’s Lost / All I Need” was released May 14th (Cybertree Records/Foolica Recods).

Doors 20h Start ca 21h Eintritt 7,- erm 5,- (Schüler / Studenten)
Termin eingetragen von Gast (zuletzt geändert: 24.07.2021 11:47)

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