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The Sewer Rats in Düsseldorf am Donnerstag, den 27.09.18

Do, 27.09.18
Oberbilker Allee 29
40215 Düsseldorf
Karte (lädt Daten von Openstreetmap)
The Sewer Rats w/ Jukebox Romantics
Fotocredit: Angelina Ouchani (thx a lot!)

Hailing from Cologne, Germany, The SEWER RATS have made a name for themselves as one of Europe’s finest punk acts, playing more than 400 shows worldwide, touring Europe, China, Japan & the U.S.A. Walking the line between Stray Cats-cool, early 90s Social D. and old Rancid, the band sounds like Mr. Ness and Mr. Setzer were hanging out with Hank Williams, teaching him new skateboard tricks while drinkin’ beers on a hot summer night. Their new album „Heartbreaks & Milkshakes“ takes the band to the next level and sounds like a sugar-high vision of 90s oldschool pop-punk with witty tongue-in-cheek humor and a greasy yet stylish 50s vibe. Delivering 12 catchy and well-crafted pop punk sing-a-longs about heartbreak, black-metal chicks and moving back in with your parents (again), The SEWER RATS are ready to hit the road worldwide in order to promote their new release (Rookie Records/ Europe) (Rude Runner/ Japan).
Chris Gin – Lead Guitar & Vocals
Schorni Walker – Bass
Dom Aqua – Drums

The Jukebox Romantics hail from downstate New York, just in the shadows of NYC. Since releasing their debut album on Altercation Records in 2009, The Jukebox Romantics have taken their talked-about live show from coast to coast including dates during Austin’s SXSW 2010/11/15 festivals, the Vans Warped Tour 2010-2012 and Gainesville’s The Fest 9 in late 2010. The Jukebox Romantics are in your face, fun, soulful punk in the vein of bands like The Bouncing Souls, One Man Army, and Alkaline Trio.

VVK: 10 € (zzgl. Geb.)
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