Use Möre Gas &
Anti Anti Anti
Use Möre Gas
„Use Möre Gas is the Düsseldorf based powerhouse founded in 2010. The original members Dan, Costa and Dom were soon joined by Niki who gave up two strings to get the job as their bass player. From there on they went out to show people what kicking ass is all about. Their music grabs you by the balls, pushes you into overdrive and makes you feel like being part of the meanest roadmovie soundtrack out there.
The undeniable vibe of Rock ’n‘ Roll, nasty Punk Rock mixed with double guitars and rusty vocals doesn’t come often these days. It’s a simple but effective recipe and pays tribute to their obvious heroes, while giving you their own trademark Highway Rock’n’Roll in one riff.“
Anti Anti Anti (Köln)
(Ex-H-Bomb Holiday Camp, Köln)
Stil: Thrash, Punk, Metal, Hardcore
ANTI-ANTI-ANTI – Kein Geschnörkel, einfach druff!
Exodus-Anthrax-like-Oldschoolthrashriffs, verfeinert mit einem Hauch rotzigem Punkgeschrammel, bilden hier die Grundlage für abrisspartytauglichen Thrashpunk. Die vier Musikanten Steff (voc.), Alex (dr.), Lars (bass) und Thorsten(git.) beschäftigen sich seit Mitte 2018 mit der Wiederbelebung dieser Musikstile und machen das, nach eigener Aussage, sehr gut. Ungewohnterweise gucken die Vier dabei nicht mal böse. Die Rolle des Hörers ist hierbei denkbar einfach: Bier austrinken – Moshpit eröffnen!!! Soweit, so gut!
Stay Anti