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Freitag, 06.05.2011: Legale Platten-Downloads III
Vielen Dank für eure Hinweise zu neuen und empfehlenswerten Gratis-Downloads! Wer noch was zu melden hat (höhö), der melde sich über den Kontakt - danke!

Wer die bisherigen Auflistungen verpasst hat - schaut rein in den ersten und den zweiten Teil unserer Legal-Gratis-Album-Download-Liste!

Album Download:
Incoming Leergut - Alcoholidays (Deutschpunk) - Rezi hier
My choice was made - The Insight Ep (Metalcore, Hardcore)
So Adult - Rookie EP (Punkrock)
Cyco Sanchez Supergroup - Fishing For Zombliments (Garage, Rock), Rezi hier
Let It Happen - Colors Changing (Poppunk)
Anarcho Noah - StadlPunk (Punkrock)
Washington Square Park - Simple With No Explanation EP (Poppunk, Punkrock)
Dads - Brush Your Teeth ;) (Punkrock, Emo)
P.S. Eliot - Sadie (Pop)
Thilo mit h - Gefährlich Ehrlich (Songwriter, Akustik Punk)
Felixxx - HEMÄNzipation (Songwriter, Akustik)
Henri Parker - Revolving Doors (Akustik, Folk, Punk)
State Radio - Live at the Boston Pavilion 2010 (Punkrock, Reggae)
Little Ease - Little Ease Demo (Hardcore, Punk)
Underparts - Drown In This (Punk)
Spraynard - Funtitled (Indie, Punk)
Off With Their Heads - Live (Punkrock)
The Slow Death - Demo (Punk)
The Dimensions - Stereo EP (Garage-Punk)
Chilly Gonzales - Mixtape (Jazz, Rap, Electro, Pop)
Casey Lee (Fake Problems) - Com Roms EP (Akustik)
Iron Chic - Split N' Shit (Punkrock)
Punchline - Delightfully Pleased (Punkrock, Poppunk)
God Mode - Demo (Punkrock, Hardcore, Metal)

Sampler Download:
Nuclear Blast Records - Facebook Sampler, u.a. Agnostic Front, Sonic Syndicate, Soilwork, Dimmu Borgir, Deathstars,... - Download hier
Epitaph Records - Winter/Spring 2011 Sampler, u.a. Bring Me The Horizon, Parkway Drive, Thursday,... - Download hier
Sideonedummy - Sampler, u.a. Anti-Flag, Bedouin Soundclash, Big D and the Kids Table Chuck Ragan, Flogging Molly, Goldfinger, Gogol Bordello, The Gaslight Anthem,... - Download hier
Free Punk Records - Pogo in der Lederhosn, u.a. Die Dorks, Die Laborratten, Urin Stinkt,... - Download hier
Mehr zu: Download Incoming Leergut My choice was made Cyco Sanchez Supergroup Thilo mit h Felixxx Henri Parker State Radio Underparts Off With Their Heads The Dimensions Fake Problems Iron Chic Agnostic Front Sonic Syndicate Dimmu Borgir Deathstars Anti-Flag Big D and the Kids Table Chuck Ragan Flogging Molly Goldfinger Gogol Bordello The Gaslight Anthem Die Dorks

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