Reggae |
14:00-21:00 | Daddy Waynah (Hotta Music) & Soulfire Hi-Fi | |
Second |
15:30-16:15 | Stumbling Pins | |
Main |
16:00-16:45 | Red Fang | |
Second |
16:45-17:30 | Herr Bösel | |
Main |
17:15-18:00 | Budzillus | |
Second |
18:00-18:45 | Affenmesserkampf | |
Electro |
18:00 | 4 Takte & Der Kleine Kiel | |
Main |
18:30-19:15 | Mega! Mega! | |
Second |
19:15-20:00 | The Grit | |
Main |
19:45-20:30 | No Te Va Gustar | |
Second |
20:30-21:15 | Pandoras Box | |
Main |
21:00-22:00 | Talco | |
Reggae |
21:00-22:00 | Flixx´n´Hooch | |
Second |
21:45-22:45 | Kotzreiz | |
Electro |
22:00 | Run Chicken Run | |
Reggae |
22:00-22:30 | Daddy Waynah (Hotta Music) & Soulfire Hi-Fi | |
Main |
22:30-23:30 | The Adicts | |
Reggae |
22:30-23:30 | Rojah Phad Full | |
Second |
23:15-00:15 | Bondage Fairies | |
Reggae |
23:30 | Daddy Waynah (Hotta Music) & Soulfire-Hifi | |
Main |
00:00-01:00 | Frittenbude | |
Electro |
00:00 | delik8 | |
Second |
00:45-01:45 | Guts Pie Earshot | |
Main |
01:30-02:30 | DJ Krink & DJ Rampue | |
Second |
02:15 | Altern Styles DJ Team | |
Electro |
03:00 | Kolect | |
Electro |
06:00 | Mathieu Gruen | |
Electro |
07:00 | Sunday Radio Operator |
Second |
12:45-13:30 | tba | |
Second |
14:00-14:45 | 206 | |
Main |
14:45-15:30 | Gruffaz Elec'Trick | |
Second |
15:30-16:15 | Grillmaster Flash | |
Main |
16:00-16:45 | How to loot Brazil | |
Electro |
16:00 | insch. (LIVE) | |
Second |
16:45-17:30 | Keine Zähne im Maul... | |
Reggae |
17:00-19:00 | Mortal Kombat (Soundsystem) & Soulfire Hi-Fi | |
Main |
17:15-18:00 | Le Fly | |
Second |
18:00-18:45 | Featuring Yourself | |
Electro |
18:00 | Herr Rein & Herr Gesangsverein (LIVE) | |
Main |
18:30-19:15 | Oferta Especial | |
Reggae |
19:00-19:45 | Maxim | |
Second |
19:15-20:00 | King Punish & The Trashcans | |
Main |
19:45-20:30 | The Great Bertholinis | |
Reggae |
19:45-22:00 | Mortal Kombat (Soundsystem) & Soulfire Hi-Fi | |
Electro |
20:00 | Salzinger | |
Second |
20:30-21:15 | Pascow | |
Main |
21:00-22:00 | The Movement | |
Second |
21:45-22:45 | Eisenpimmel | |
Reggae |
22:00-22:45 | U-Cee | |
Main |
22:30-23:30 | No Means No | |
Reggae |
22:45 | Mortal Kombat (Soundsystem) & Soulfire-Hifi | |
Electro |
23:00 | LFO1 (LIVE) | |
Second |
23:15-00:15 | HGich.T | |
Main |
00:00-01:00 | Arrested Development | |
Electro |
00:00 | Dubit (LIVE) & Coeter One | |
Second |
00:45-00:00 | Karma To Burn | |
Main |
01:30-02:30 | tba | |
Second |
02:15-03:15 | Rockaway Beachboys | |
Electro |
05:00 | Jacques Müller | |
Electro |
07:00 | Peter Knurz & die Tinitussen -> Open DJ´s |