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Lavatch (Band) » Rezensionen

Stil: Hardcore
Herkunft: Köln
Lavatch, together since 2005, is not about following any trends or fitting in patterns. We play fast, energetic hardcore paired with sludgy, steamroller like southern rock. In a good mixture, like in your favorite drink, but with a hell lot of hot sauce that will burn your throat after you enjoyed that juice. Proudly shared the stage with acts like COMEBACK KID, SICK OF IT ALL, NAPALM DEATH, AGNOSTIC FRONT, DEFEATER, MORE THAN LIFE, DEEZ NUTS, RAISED FIST, AUGUST BURNS RED, HORSE THE BAND, WALLS OF JERICHO, EVERGREEN TERRACE, DOWNSET, VENEREA, THE RED CHORD, TRAKTOR, PARKWAY DRIVE, ACHILLES, CANCER BATS, ENDWELL, OATHBREAKER, ESCAPADO, FIRST BLOOD, WARRIORS, TEPHRA. PLANES MISTAKEN FOR STARS, TRAINWRECK, THE DESTINY PROGRAM, THE BLACKOUT ARGUMENT, ELISION, A TRAITOR LIKE JUDAS, THIS IS HELL, CALLEJON, WAR FROM A HARLOTS MOUTH, WATERDOWN AND MANY MORE We don’t claim to be telling you what you are, when you listen to us. This is just 5 dudes, doing the best they can do: Playing the shit out of their gear.
Infos zuletzt geändert: 01.04.2014 15:14

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